Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou thanks supporters as lawyers chase details of Canadian cooperation with FBI

Legal team pursues documents relating to arrest; crown’s lawyers call it a ‘fishing expedition’


European businesses urge EU to take ‘defensive’ measures against China’s state-owned enterprises

  • EU Chamber of Commerce warns of ‘resurgent state-owned economy’ receiving more funding, government contracts and subsidies than ever before
  • It calls for ‘fail-safes’ to protect EU such as introducing new policies and making better use of laws to give Beijing more incentive to speed up reform


China’s scrapping of QFII and RQFII caps on foreign investment will have a very limited effect, say analysts

  • Beijing’s recent decision to remove quotas on the QFII and RQFII schemes carries only symbolic significance as the programmes are quickly becoming obsolete, say analysts
  • The programmes’ popularity has declined as investors have turned increasingly to the stock connect and its bond equivalents


L’échange automatique avec la Bulgarie est suspendu

L’OCDE a pris cette décision à la suite du piratage de données bancaires subi par le fisc bulgare fin juin. Une partie des informations des contribuables concernés avaient été partagées mi-juillet avec la presse bulgare

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